Miyake Petit Pudding

>> Friday, May 31

Posted by: Jennifer
Like any other typical flan, this Japanese style flan contains the main ingredients: sugar, milk, yolk, and topped with caramel coloring/sugar.  

Origin: Japan


I was introduced to these by my cousins when I was in elementary school and... it is the best flan I have tasted (as opposed to the Spanish style flans). The Japanese makes these flans so smooth and custardy and the taste... is just very different... It is quite hard to explain, but it is not too sweet of a snack. Although these are made as bite-sized snacks that you can bring on the go, I can literally finish this whole package in a day and so, I deeply wish they can make bigger sized products. The packaging of this is different than the one that existed years ago which came with disposable spoons. Sadly, this version does not come with spoons and it is less convenient to bring your own. (I guess it is meant for you to slurp out of the cup?) The one that I had purchased years ago, also came with 12 pieces of flan but slightly smaller. Although I am unsure, but they probably still have that same packaging, but the supermarkets or distributors stopped ordering it. Overall, I love this delicious snack and if you love any type of flan, then you should give this a try as well!


At a Japanese specialty market - $2.59/pk (6 pieces)


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