Glico Caplico

>> Thursday, May 23

Posted by: Jennifer
Glico created this "ice-cream" like snack in various flavors, but I could only get my hands on vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. They come in various sizes, both small (about 4 1/2" length) and big (5-6" length).


I suggest everyone to try Caplico because it is just that delicious! (okay, maybe im slightly exagerating a little...) With an outer layer made of cracker and an inside filled with mousse-like textured dried ice cream, it will definitely make you addicted. It's like eating an ice cream that never melts! I would say its sweet at a moderate level and the filling is smooth, but won't instantly melt in your mouth like how "astronaut ice cream" would. I believe the air bubbles in the filling is what makes it light and airy. You would think all of the cones are filled completely with the same flavor, but their not - except for the chocolate. Strawberry and Vanilla stops midway and the rest is chocolate. I am not saying chocolate is not delicious, but I would of loved to continuing consuming the rest of the cone with the same flavor. But besides that fact, if you want to try something new and quite different, you should give this a go!
Enlarge to see the filling in more details.


Caplico Box - $4.49
Caplico Stick - $1.89
Can be found at Asian supermarket.


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